Sunday, 10 February 2013

Recipe 12: Spelt Bread

Another Bread with a different flour! Honestly, before this book I didn't know there were so many different kinds of flour! The flours I've used so far have been:
  • Strong White Flour (the most commonly used)
  • Wholemeal Flour
  •  Plain Flour (Not normal for bread but still used)
  • Malted Flour
  • Spelt Flour
  • Rye Flour (Coming up!)
Then of course, there is probably a lot more different flours in the world but these are the ones used in the book so therefore must be the most used!
When you list them, it doesn't look like a lot but in every recipe you add less or more or do something a little different with them.

So Spelt Flour! Taken from Wiki: Spelt, also known as dinkel wheat,or hulled wheat, is a hexaploid species of wheat. Spelt was an important staple in parts of Europe from the Bronze Age to medieval times; it now survives as a relict crop in Central Europe and northern Spain and has found a new market as a health food.

I did this recipe the same day as the Malted Loaf, so I was expecting another disaster as it seemed like one of those days! But it wasn't so bad! Like all of the recipes before hand, mix all of the ingredients together. Knead the bread which seems to be getting better, this recipe advises to knead longer (ahh!) which I did so!

Then leave to rise, I forgot to take a before picture but it did rise a lot! When you read about this flour though it does say that one of the best things about it is that it does take quicker than usual flour too!

Once the air is knocked out of the dough, it's time to leave to prove in the tin that's already seasoned. In the book it says to never clean the tin out afterwards and just to leave it. The first time you use the tin though, you should put butter round it and I have to say, I've used the tin 3 times now and it the bread comes out perfectly!

I left the bread a lot longer than I usually do, I was more patient and plus I was making Cup Cakes in between! But next time I make bread, I'm going to make myself be more patient as it really is worth the bit more of waiting!

Once baked, I think it was out of all the recipes I've done, the one that looks most like the picture in the book, yay! Still not perfect but getting there!

Reviews? Everyone liked it, agreed that it tasted like brown bread!

There are only a few more recipes out of this chapter left and then it gets a bit more interesting, or complicated with favoured breads!

112 Recipes to Go!!

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