Well, finally onto the next chapter – Favoured Breads! At the moment I'm ahead of schedule but with the return of F1 approaching and weekend commitments throughout the year, I'm taking this as a good thing especially since the breads get more complicated so I think I'll only be able to manage 1 a week, hopefully 2! There are a lot of interesting recipes I'm looking forward to making, such as the breakfast rolls – I might get up stupidly early to do them!
Anyway, onto our first favoured bread, nothing too complicated to start me off with, these were very much like the Fougasse which like this bread, is also French!
We still with pretty much the same recipe and having to use my hand mixer as a substitute for a proper dough mixer but it does the job no matter how many times I have to keep stopping and starting to pull the dough off when it becomes stuck at the top, boo!
The mixture then goes into a square container to give it a good shape when it has risen. I have to say I'm always surprised when it comes out in the square shape perfectly, especially when it's such a sticky wet mixture.
You then divide your perfectly shaped dough into strips and sprinkle the oil and leave to prove for a little while. Once this process is done, BAKE! :)
Reviews? They liked it, I made so much bread by this point I think everyone was fed up of it but I think I'd rather make the Fougasse over this again though.
Sorry this hasn't been a very interesting blog, I'm trying to write it from memory from 2 weeks ago! But it is very similar to other recipes so hopefully I didn't miss out too much!
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