Monday 1 April 2013

Recipe 28: Breakfast Rolls

I was very excited to make these, they looked so tasty and interesting to bake!

The recipes starts off the same, with the mixing and kneading and this time, I kneaded like I have never before and with the end result it was definitely worth it! And yes, very hard work for the arms but now I've got to make sure I do this every time!

Oh, I should mention what makes this a breakfast roll (though I'm sure its obvious!) eggs that gets mixed in with the bread ingredients and then mushrooms, tomato paste and then bacon which like the previous flatbreads you cooked the bacon a little to give it a head start and then the rest gets cooked when all of it goes in the oven!

With this recipe, the dough doesn't need to be knocked out but instead you have to roll it out into a rectangle, which pretty much does this job anyway and I have to say doing it this way makes the dough much more easy to control and comes out all smooth and lovely!
Once it's rolled into a nice rectangle shape, spread the tomato paste across, add the bacon and the mushroom. Though I only added the mushroom to some of it as not everyone likes them!

I got confused with the next part (though I'm sure it was easy to understand really) with how to roll it, I know that sounds silly but I've never made a swiss roll or anything like that before so I was worried I rolled it around the wrong way but it turned out to be the right way in the end, yes! :)

When you have very long roll cut them into equal pieces (or not so equal like mine!), I was concerned that I rolled them out to thin at first but then when left to prove (and a bit of faith, trust and pixie dust!) they went to a much healthier looking size!

Before placing them in the oven, some more breakfast elements to add – beat an egg and brush oven the rolls. Once baked in the oven they baked into even larger rolls and I was very impressed! They looked amazing!

Reviews? If I do say so myself, I think this was the best bread I've made to date, it looked almost shop worthy! And it tasted yummy too, maybe a little too much tomato for me but everyone else liked it. I have 2 little parcels with 2 rolls each going out tomorrow (not in the post by hand, haha) so will have to see what they think too! Kneading it with LOTS of effort is the way forward though! 

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