Monday 20 May 2013

Recipe 35: Cheddar and Apple Bread

Like the other recipes, it starts with the usual mixing of the ingredients by hand and the kneading for a good old 10 minutes, no less but probably a bit longer if you can! And then of course, leaving the dough to rise.
It was lucky as I managed to leave this for just over 3 hours, I was worried it would start to shrink back down but I got home just in time!

Once it is ready, I poured the dough carefully out onto the floured surface and shaped it out into a rough rectangle which was fun, kinda of like popping bubble wrap!
Then keep patting it out until it's a even bigger rectangle and flatten a bit with your hands too! With the grated cheese and the chopped dessert apples onto one side of the dough and then fold the other piece of dough over the top and then stick the down the edges.
The hardest part was then transferring this beast of dough from the counter to the baking tray. Lucky my tray didn't have raised edges so easier then having to lift it, if not it would of split! But either way, still a nightmare, my dough scraper was the only thing holding it all together!
So finally on the tray, time to leave to prove!

This piece of dough, like I said was a beast! It looks a lot smaller in the book so not sure if mine was over sized but I was still pleased with it! So just before putting it in the oven to bake, sprinkle some flour and then it tells you to make thumb prints all over the dough – it was so bouncy!

Then leave to bake for 30 minutes, I think I over baked mine, the cheese looks like it could have been a bit more runny in the middle but then I'm not sure that's where it's cooled?! This bread baking can be a hard one to tell sometimes!

Reviews? My mum took some into work with her and they seemed to like it! AJ said she wasn't keen but I guess the favours just don't work for everyone!

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