Sunday 25 August 2013

Recipe 41: Tea Cakes

Tea cakes, another nice traditional treat to bake!

It begins with the usual mixing of ingredients (with hands, no mixer!), the only difference in the mix is add some cinnamon to give it that extra favour!
Start the kneading the process and carry on for 10 minutes, if you have strong arms then you probably don't need to do it for that long but I always do the full 10 minutes, probably wouldn't hurt the dough if I did it for longer! Then place in a lightly oiled bowl and leave it to rise!

When the dough is ready, it's then time to add the mixed peel and sultanas and knead it in! But this time, it doesn't need to be left to rise again, instead it's already time to divide the mixture into 8 equal pieces.

Firstly, I had to shape them into a ball and then using a rolling pin, flatten each piece of dough out and brush a beaten egg over the top of them to give them that glazed finish!

Then it's time to leave to to rise again, to make sure they have that nice fluffy finish! After an hour or so, time to bake into oven for around 15 minutes, till they have that nice golden look!

The tea cakes were much bigger than I expected, I mean when you see them in the shops, they look about scone size but these were like massive buns hence why I only got 8 out of the mixture! As recommended in the book, my family had them toasted and they went down really well!

Reviews? Both bakes were successful today, it was half and half with what the family preferred. AJ liked these better than the next recipe (which everyone else liked better) but they all still got eaten anyway!

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