Monday 30 September 2013

Recipe 45 - 59: Sourdough

I have actually given up on the Sourdough chapter, I know that's awful and I really didn't want to but I can't give it the care and attention it needs! I mean, you have to feed it every few days and then when you finally come round to wanting to bake it – it's five hours rising and then eighteen hours to prove and then around 40 minutes to bake!

I really sound like I'm moaning but I'm just disappointed, I really didn't want to miss a recipe and with not doing this chapter I'm missing a whole 14 out! It's a shame as my Sourdough starter was actually quite good, I was very pleased! 

What I'm hoping to do is after I finished the rest of the book, which should take me up to around January / February time I hope, if I have a few free weekends then I might get round to baking some Sourdough but we're see how it goes!

So it's farewell to my dear friend 'Buddy the Sourdough' I hope I can give him the love and care he deserves one day! Haha but for now, I'm off to the wonderful world of pastry.

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